Become a friend of Ashburton Park

Membership of Friends of Ashburton Park is £5 per annum, per household.

Payment can made either by: 

BACS/Standing Order to the ‘Friends of Ashburton Park’ sort code 51-50-02  account number 65184955, quoting your name and address. Please download membership form and the standing order mandate. and send to the Membership Secretary, The FOAP, 10 Tenterden Road, Surrey CR0 6NN. We will email you a receipt for the membership fee payment. The form can also be filled digitally and email back to Membership Secretary.


Cheque made payable to ‘Friends of Ashburton Park’. Be sure to write your name and address on the reverse of cheque and send to the Membership Secretary, The FOAP, 10 Tenterden Road, Surrey CR0 6NN, enclosing a stamped addressed envelope if you require a receipt by post. We will email you a receipt for the membership fee payment.